Showing posts with label Xmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Xmas. Show all posts

Thursday, December 24, 2020

History Of 12 Days Of Christmas

A short time after the divorce of Henry VIII from Queen Catherine, living as a Catholic in England became a bit of a bother. The inconvenience was losing your estates, your properties, or your head, or all of the above. As Catholics were repressed, their teachings went underground. One way of doing that was with teaching songs. One of these teaching songs was 12 Days Of Christmas.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Star Puzzle of Bethlehem

For years, astronomers have tried to puzzle out what made three astrologers travel from Persia to Israel at a certain date 2,000 years ago. Missing data, unclear sources, later additions and elisions, and religious bias make the job just more interesting. But are astronomers the right people to unravel an astrological puzzle?

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Trees Through History

Christians love to put up a Christmas tree before the 25th of December. Many think of it as traditional. Depending on how narrow minded one is, the tradition is either not very old, or rather older than one imagines. The Christmas tree has a history. It was promoted, demoted, forbidden and it developed to its modern form through many stages. Some of its Christian symbolism has even been completely lost.